Partagez votre expérience au – delà des logs MPLC (Merci pour le cache) ou RPRL (Rien Pris Rien Laissé) en suivant ces 5 conseils:
1) Voir et dire – Décrivez ce que vous avez vu et vécu sur le trajet de la géocache. Avez-vous vu un oiseau rare, une chute d’eau cachée, ou Harrison Ford? Racontez-le aux autres.
2) être un super héros – S’il y a de nouvelles conditions dans la région, comme un arbre tombé ou de la neige lourde, avertissez les autres géocacheurs. Vous voudriez qu’ils fassent la même chose pour vous.
3) Parlez Métiers – Dites aux gens ce qui a dans la cache avec ce que vous avez pris et ce que vous avez laissé.
4) Un petit mot pour le propriétaire de Cache – Remerciez le propriétaire de la cache pour l’avoir placée. MPLC est une manière parfaitement acceptable de le faire, mais vous êtes libre et c’est mieux d’être un peu plus créatif dans votre log.
5) Apprendre des autres – Réfléchissez au meilleur log que vous avez déjà lu … de ce qui l’a rendu si spécial : l’Humour, La sincérité, Un haïku?
Les propriétaires des géocaches peuvent récompenser ceux qui écrivent de grands journaux en leur envoyant un courriel de remerciement à travers leur profil Avez-vous remercié un geocacheur pour son super log récemment?
A recent geocaching quest into Smith Valley had all of the elements of a perfect geocaching adventure.
- The discovery of little gems we would have otherwise missed
- The benefit of learning new things
- Exercising in the great outdoors
- Uncovering traditional caches with lots of trinkets
- Finding a novelty geocache
- Successfully finding and logging all of the caches
The first stop on our geocaching mission took us to a site located on Highway 2 West. When the GPS coordinates indicated it was time to pull over, we found ourselves in a nice spot on the side of the highway with ample room for safe parking, as well as rocky cliffs for climbing and exploring.
If you look closely in the center of the photo by the rock wall, you can see the fence where the markings are.
According to the cache description, we were to look for a hide near a rock wall with hieroglyphics.
The first thing we did after hopping out of the truck was to go and look for the markings. Sure enough, there they were on a rock face, painted in red. Vertical lines and drawings in the shapes of people and animals were protected behind a fence, obviously to prevent vandalism.
Animal (rabbit)
What I’ve learned since visiting this geocache is that the images were not hieroglyphics, nor were they petroglyphs…as I first thought.
- Petroglyphs are rock carvings – meaning part of the rock has been scraped away to form the image.
- Hieroglyphics on the other hand – is an ancient language using graphical pictures such as animals and people to symbolize words.
- Because the symbols were painted on the rock, with no apparent continuity, pictograph best describes these ancient markings.
Before searching for the cache we got some exercise by climbing up the cliff, which led to big sky views of Smith Valley. Hazy skies evidenced that it was the first day of open burning season.
Eileen and Mallory looking over Smith Valley
Back down – the cache was hidden at the bottom not far from the parking spot.
The Cache « Highway Hieroglyphics »
A quiet country road and a babbling brook set the tone for the next discovery – a small bison tube clipped to a barbed wire fence.
Bison Tube
Bear scat nearby reminded us that the bruins are fattening up for winter.
Bear Scat full of seeds
Our next treasure hunt located in an area of pine trees and tall grass, resembled the Northshore. We were 2,000 miles away from Louisiana, but the surroundings sure reminded me of Covington.
Headed towards the geocache.
Hidden under some logs, we found a plastic tub filled with lots of loot. Traditional caches are a favorite and I really wanted to trade for the butterfly fan. David tried to convinced me that it was cheesy and to leave it for another geocacher to find. It didn’t work. We took it anyway. 
Some geocaches have cool swag.
Next on the list was a cleverly disguised novelty cache. Hidden in an upright stump, we found it pretty quickly using our geo-senses.
Cache hidden in a stump.